Destinys Agent"s Recent Photos

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by Destinys Agent.

Had some fun shooting in my local pubs beer garden with my phone the other night. I got our mutual friend, Liam, to light Mike using his own K800i's focussing light giving the picture the red cast. I then took it into Photoshop to add a little grain and darken the background.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

30 South Collonade

Reuters head office in Canary Wharf

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Big Ship

A large ship is pulled up the Thames past the Millennium Dome.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Put Out

Looks like I've put my back out quite badly. It was OK last night after recovering from an injury sustained erecting an ariel for a friend. I visited my local last night and played a few rounds of pool. I woke up this morning in agony!

This didn't stop me going to Living Reef Aquatics in Dartford to pick up some crickets for my Praying Mantises. John, the owner, has got an Egyptian mantis for sale which I have to say I was tempted with. He is going to get some other mantises and assorted insects on Tuesday. I'm going to attempt a visit straight after work to see. I'm going to try and not be tempted :D While John kindly showed me some Tarantula's and Scorpions he has for sale, I almost passed out. Sadly I had to cut my visit short and get home. I'm hoping I'm a bit more spritely tomorrow since my friend Andy is taking me to a remote control race track for some photography.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Blackwall Vent

Air venting for Blackwall Tunnel

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Back at DTC Again

I'm Back :-)

I got a phone call at work today... Apparently, the lads there were swamped with calls so the management picked me to go over and lend a hand, much to my delight. It was so cool to be back with all the people I knew. I did mention how pleased I was to the manager, along with the fact they could leave me there permanently. He said it wouldn't happen, but I thought I'd try. It really does suit me so well. I like the fact there seems always something to do and I also like the comradeship between the IT team and also the teams working in DTC themselves. This doesn't seem to be prevalent in SC, or if it is, it isn't apparent.

Initially I was asked to help out today only but it looks like I'm there for the rest of the week :-)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Back to SC

So I find myself back at South Colonnade. One good thing is that I'm being allocated issues properly rather than having to shadow another engineer.

First one today was a simple re-install of the software that had got corrupted somehow. The second one, the member of staff is uncontactable and the third a simple display issue solved by setting the correct video input to a screen! Oh the joy! Give me something challenging...

In other news, my Ghost Mantis has layed a 4th Ootheca. Looks like I'm going to be overrun with Ghosts. This last ootheca is the size of the first one she layed so, should they be fertile, I should end up with a good few nymphs. I certianly hope so because theres a lot of intrest in them.


Live Images of my Praying Mantises - Active from approx. 07:00 to 23:30 BST each day